I have been saying “life is what you make it” for so long that I can’t remember where I first heard it. Regardless of where it came from, I believe with all my heart that life really is what we make it.
I had the privilege of seeing the power of believing in this simple phrase first-hand a number of years ago when my niece came to live with us while she went to a local university. She certainly had some challenges in her life growing up and yet, in spite of it all, she rose above, got herself an education and a great career, and now has a wonderful family of her own. Without realizing I must have said “life is what you make it” to her often because years later she reminded me about it and told me that it had made an impact on her. Her life is literally what she set her mind to and what she made it. I am always so very proud of her and what she has accomplished for herself.
What we believe about ourselves and what we believe is possible for ourselves is 100% true. We can be the victim of a less than ideal situation or we can choose to rise above it. We can believe our family is a certain way (good or bad) and therefore we must be that way too. While those things may be true in our past they certainly don’t have to be our future. That’s the great thing about the past – it’s over! It’s over if we want it to be over. Whatever we keep thinking and talking about is what we will continue to experience. Shifting to a new life and a new perspective is totally possible.
If your life could be absolutely anything you want, what would it be like? What would you do? Who would you want to spend your time with? What would be really important to you? How would it FEEL? What would bring you pure heartfelt joy?
Many people have no idea how to answer those questions. It’s seems easier and more comfortable to keep doing what we have always done regardless of whether it makes us happy or not. Perhaps it’s time to start dreaming about YOUR perfect life. Once you get clear on what would make your life perfect for you then you can start to create it, one small step at a time.
Life is what you make it AND you have the power to make it whatever your heart desires!